

Hi there, I'm Dawson, an artist, web developer, traveler, minimalist, and bookworm in sunny San Diego.


Below is a collection of books I've read since I started a log back in 2019. This is mostly for my own records but I've also included a three star rating system for recommendations.

★☆☆ Tough to Get Through
★★☆ An Enjoyable Read
★★★ Highly Recommended

Below the rating I've also listed the date that I finished reading the book.

I encourage you to support your local public library but if you prefer your own copy I've also added affiliate links to each book.


History & Politics

Nutrition & Self-Improvement

Science & Nature

The Shannara Series by Terry Brooks

I'll ready anything that Terry releases. The Sword of Shannara got me into reading fantasy and science fiction way back in 1993.

Below is a list of all of the books in suggested order for new readers. Start with Sword and move forward. These are all ★★★ if you're interested in diving into a post-apocalyptic fantasy realm.